A report in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram says that the number of homes posted for the November foreclosure sale in Tarrant County is up 35 percent from November 2008.
Just over 1,800 homes are set to be auctioned on the courthouse steps Tuesday, November 3, according to Foreclosure Listing Service in Addison. George Roddy Sr., president and chief executive of the company which tracks foreclosure listings across the country, told the newspaper that the figures may sound bad, but the number is down 8 percent from October of this year.
Roddy also said that only about 40 percent of those homes will be sold in the auction, the rest will reach some sort of agreement that will cure or postpone the sale.
One of the ways to stop the auction of your home is to declare bankruptcy. Schedule your free consultation now to find out how bankruptcy can stop the sale of your house in a foreclosure auction and restructure your debts so that you can afford to keep your home.