- Image by Alan Light via Flickr
Reading the news today that Barry Corbin (famous for his roles on TV’s Northern Exposure, Dallas and on film as Uncle Bob in Urban Cowboy) has filed for bankruptcy protection in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Texas, it occurred to me that many seemingly successful people end up in bankruptcy court.
What I think I am getting at is that no matter what your financial situation is one day, the next you could be in over your head. It takes good planning and advice to restructure your debts when you end up over your head in debt.
Many people find asking for help with debt problems to be embarrassing. What you need to know is that it is nothing to be embarrassed about. The first thing you should remember is that every debt you have is a business transaction. Business deals go bad everyday.
Facing your financial problems head on, and with proper advice and assistance, is the best way to handle your business dealings.