The Star-Telegram is reporting that 342nd District District Judge Bob McGrath will resign to take a position as legal adviser to the Dallas County Commissioners Court. The court approved hiring McGrath to the $139,971-a-year job on a 4-1 vote.
The court has clashed with Dallas County District Attorney Craig Watkins over investigations in to the constable’s offices, voter fraud and other issues in the county. Dallas County Commissioners decided to hire an outside legal adviser in January after a resolution could not be reached with Watkins and his staff.
Judge McGrath was not up for reelection this year, but if he resigns his post will be automatically placed on the November ballot. Executive committees of the Republican and Democratic parties will choose candidates to be added to the ballot for the race. Independent and third-party candidates will also have the option of running.
A replacement could be appointed by Governor Rick Perry to serve in the judge’s post until the election is held and winners are certified.
The disagreements between the Dallas County Commissioners Court and District Attorney’s office keep making news.
Watkins office has reportedly turned down two offers of assistance from the Texas Attorney General’s Office in connection with an investigation into alleged corruption in one of the county’s constables office.
Members of the court have recently been calling for Watkins to step down, claiming his lack of action on the constables office investigation is due to both he and the constable being Democrats.
Watkins has refused to comment on the matter, citing a pending investigation.