Bankruptcy can very much be a personal process. High debts sometimes ruin lives, a negative you can never escape. But by filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy you can get a fresh start. This guide gives 6 ways to stay positive when you file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy in the great state of Texas.
Write Down Goals
Write down goals on how much you want to make, perhaps how you will go back to school to get a degree, on what kind of car you want to drive, on how you’ll always pay bills on time, even how you’ll cut up every credit card you can until you have none left. Some of these goals are more difficult than others. That makes crossing them off even more fulfilling. And don’t stop at a few; write as many as possible.
The Promises You Make
Start making promises to yourself to stay ahead after the bankruptcy, to avoid having it happen again. This is the beginning of writing down goals: once the Chapter 7 bankruptcy is over, what will you do with any money saved? If you are completely free of debt in 3 months, what will you do six months after? If you live in an apartment, what “steal” can you gt in the Texas housing market several years down the road? Promises keep you thinking positive.
Save All You Can
A penny saved is a penny earned, but a penny put in a retirement fund or 401K is even better. Chapter 7 can save you a large amount of money, but in order to avoid a second bankruptcy, saving and being thrifty ensures you are financially stable in the future.
No two bankruptcies are exactly alike nor filed for the same reasons. However, most struggle with finances at one point or another in their life. It can have some immense effects, such as depression, anxiety, overeating, drugs and alcohol, and a variety of other negatives. In addition to saving money and protecting your future, save time to do things which will make you better. Walking a few miles a day, even in the snow, can help. Or buying a discounted gym membership can get you into jogging or sports. Any way you look at it, exercising relieves stress can helps you stay positive.
Look At How Much You Save
One day you look at your pocket book and are surprised to find it’s twice as big as you once thought. These kind of things do happen. What you can have a better chance of is looking at how much your Chapter 7 bankruptcy can save you. Most file Chapter 7 for debts exceeding $10,000, debts they cannot pay under any manageable period. If you save $20,000 or more, just look at how much you’re saving. It can be quite a lot of money, protecting you financially.
Say No to Creditors
Creditors have no more reason to contact you after a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. And few will question the discharge of debts in court (in some rare cases they do). But for many of us, going from several or more calls a day on past due bills to zero totally changes our outlook.