6 Decisions to Make Before Filing Bankruptcy

Thousands file bankruptcy in Texas every year, yet thousands more decide not to do it, even in the face of foreclosure, unemployment, and rising debts. Sometimes the decisions you make prior to bankruptcy define how the next years of your life will be. You may save...

Filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Dallas Texas

Chapter 7 bankruptcy may save you far more money than any other option. How so? In the state of Texas, while our economy is not as bad as other states, debts and unemployment are still a problem. Another problem is that of people lacking medical coverage. These all...

Can You Be Denied a Texas Bankruptcy?

Sometimes you can be denied bankruptcy. It happens quite often in the state of Texas. Why? You can be denied for many reasons. You might make too much money to file a certain form, or owe too much to file Chapter 13. You may break the rules of the bankruptcy. You may...