Sotomayor Confirmed

The U.S. Senate confirmed Sonia Sotomayor to the U.S. Supreme Court in a 68 to 31 vote, meaning that a few Republicans supported President Barack Obama’s first nominee to the court. As the 111th justice she is the third woman appointed and the first hispanic to...

Golden Restaurants Files Bankruptcy

A portion of the country’s largest Hispanic owned businesses filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in Fort Worth recently. Golden Restaurants, which operates 50 Golden Corral restaurants in six states, is seeking protection in bankruptcy court in order to keep the...

Beware Loan Modification Companies

I have recently come across several articles about so called “loan modification companies” that claim that they can help you renegotiate your bad mortgage and stay in your home. In some cases, like this one noted in the New York Times, the same people who...