by admin | Mar 28, 2008 | Chapter 7 FAQs
Secured creditors are creditors with valid mortgages or liens against property of the debtor. Property of the debtor that is encumbered by a valid mortgage or lien is called secured property. A secured creditor is usually per-mired to repossess or foreclose its...
by admin | Mar 28, 2008 | Chapter 7 FAQs
The filing fee is $200 for either a single or a joint case. If a debtor is unable to pay the filing fee when the case is filed, it may be paid in installments, with the final installment due within 120 days. The period for payment may later be extended to 180 days by...
by admin | Mar 28, 2008 | Chapter 7 FAQs
If, from the debtor’s chapter 7 forms, it appears that the debtor has no nonexempt property, a notice will be sent to the creditors advising them that there appears to be no assets from which to pay creditors, that it is unnecessary for them to file claims, and...
by admin | Mar 28, 2008 | Chapter 7 FAQs
A person who is not eligible for a chapter 7 discharge should not file under chapter 7. Also, a person who has substantial debts that are not dischargeable under chapter 7 should not file under chapter 7. In addition, it may not be wise for a person with current...
by admin | Mar 28, 2008 | Chapter 7 FAQs
It is usually converted to cash, which is used to pay the fees and expenses of the trustee and to pay the claims of unsecured creditors. The trustee’s fee is usually $45 plus a percentage of the amount collected from the debtor.