Read the latest Disability Articles from Higgins and Associates

Are the Alternatives Better Than Bankruptcy?

Bankruptcy is not always your best option; you have alternatives. Texas bankruptcy does give you many protections, such as the homestead exemption protecting your home during a bankruptcy. However, sometimes the debt is too small to discharge, or you are not eligible....

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5 Success Tips for Texas Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

This guide shows how best to save money, to hire a Texas lawyer, to discharge debt, to stop creditor harassment, and to get a fresh start. It's important to understand the value of a successful Chapter 7 bankruptcy, and what it means for your future. A Chapter 7...

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When to Fire Your Dallas Bankruptcy Lawyer

There are many horror stories involved in bankruptcy which simply need not occur. The problem is that with so many unemployed, facing foreclosure, and lacking medical coverage, bankruptcy filings have been very high in recent years. This has increased demand for...

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Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Rules You Must Know

There is some scary points when you're considering filing bankruptcy. For home owners, it can be foreclosure. Some families may fear paying bills if wages are garnished. Some individuals may simply be sick of having impossible debts. While Chapter 13 bankruptcy is not...

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Consumer Bankruptcy Lawyers

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Bankruptcy Laws

Understand Bankruptcy Law

Bankruptcy Law is complex, dense and difficult for many to understand. With the recent changes to the United States Bankruptcy Code, the task of navigating a bankruptcy filing has become even more cumbersome. With over a decade of experience, Robert A. Higgins & Associates is ready to help your case.
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Chapter 7 & Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Types of Bankruptcy

For consumers, Chapter 13 and Chapter 7 are the two most common types of bankruptcy. Which one is right for you? Choosing the right chapter of the bankruptcy code to excercise is extremely important. Our expert legal staff will guide you through the important selection process
Learn More About the Types of Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy Articles and Legal News

Bankruptcy Articles and Legal News

Looking for more information? Get the latest and most important information regarding bankruptcy and the larger legal scene in Texas and the United States.
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